888 and Helios 318
Greek word helios (8+30+10+70+200), meaning the "Sun" has
a gematria value of 318 units and is represented as a circle with
a diameter of 318 units. Jesus is represented as a circle with a
circumference of 888 units. The diagram shows that one Jesus (888)
and eight Helios (318) circles fill the raised Jesus (8880) graph.
The equation for the above diagram ... 8(318)p
+ 888 = 8880 ... has an accuracy of 99.99%!
earliest Christians and Church Fathers had many reasons to compare
Jesus with Helios, the Sun. The Church chose December 25th as his
birthday, the last day of the pagan holiday of Saturnalia which
celebrates the winter solstice, the birth of the sun. His raising
from the dead is always observed on the pagan holiday of Easter,
the first Sun-Day after the first full moon after the spring equinox,
the time of year celebrated as the resurrection of plant life from
the dormancy of winter.