Jesus 8880
The Sacred Geometry Mysteries of Christianity
Home > Table of Contents > Mk 15 > The Crucifixion of Jesus > Verses > Mark 15:22
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Mk 15:22a ... And they bring him ... upon "the Golgotha place" ... which is being interpreted ... "place of a skull."

gematria value of verse = 6,611 units

And they bring him ... The pronoun "they" refers to the Roman and Jewish authorities responsible for bringing Jesus to the place of his crucifixion. The pronoun "him" obviously refers to Jesus so he needs to be drawn in the center of the graph. But Jesus predicted in the transfiguration story (Mk 9:11-13) that Elias (2220) would “come first and restore all things.” In order to fulfill this prediction we have to look for Elias in the gematria value of the verse which is equal to 6,611 units. Amazingly, this number generates four diagonal lines from the corners of the graph that converge on a circle with a circumference of 2220 units which is the number of John the Baptist, aka Elias.

Jesus and Elias are now in the center of the graph ... so now we have to look for "the Golgotha place" in the gematria value of the verse ... which is also the "place of a skull" ...

The words "upon the Golgotha place ... which is being-interpreted ... "place of a skull" is the obvious choice ... and those words have a gematria value of 4,424 units. A circle with that circumference is indeed "the golgotha Place."

To "prove it," we have to look for "the skull" ...

Mark 15:22 > How a "Carpenter" would make a Skull

How a "carpenter" would make a skull

The words "place of a skull" will now be "interpreted" as a play on words ... a drawing instruction to make a "skull" from the gematria value of the names and words embedded in the verse. The nose, eyes, mouth, and teeth of the "skull" need to be constructed inside the "Golgotha" circle from Elias and Jesus who are already in the center of the "Skull." The center of the face of the skull is Elias and the nose is Jesus.

We now need to construct the rest of the skull. First draw a square around Jesus and Elias. The center line of the mouth is the base of the square enclosing Elias. The eyes of the skull are then made by moving up two copies of the squares enclosing Jesus along the diagonals of the graph so that they are tangent to the square around the nose. Then draw four diagonal lines through the corners of these 3 squares. The upper part of the mouth is then made by drawing a horizontal line through the intersection point of the two diagonals beneath the nose. The upper two front teeth of the mouth are made by constructing vertical lines through the appropriate intersection points of the diagonals with the mouth. Make copies of the 2 teeth to fill up the top of the mouth with exactly 10 teeth. Then copy and flip the top of the mouth to create the lower jaw. The full mouth is now filled with 20 teeth. Removing the construction lines results in the diagram below ...

This proportions of this diagram are virtually identical to those of a real skull! Are you skeptical? ... Look in a mirror ... ten of your own teeth should fit beneath your own two eyes ... exactly where the "teeth" fit below the "eyes" on the diagram! Download the Book to see an additional diagram and more commentary for this verse.

Mk 15:22 < Verse > Mk 15:23

Sacred Geometry Bible Study Publications
The Sacred Geometry Mysteries of Jesus Christ
Vol 1: The Gospels ...
Vol 2: The Book of Revelation ...
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