Jesus 8880
The Sacred Geometry Mysteries of Christianity

The Doctrine of Resurrection
Mark 12:18-27

The Jewish religion is based on the first five books (the Pentateuch) of the Old Testament which Jews believe was written by Moses himself. These five books are referred to as “The Law.” The Sadducees, an elite hereditary class in Jewish society, were the official priests of the Temple and had a religious duty to teach and interpret The Law and to combat attempts by other religions to seduce Jews into worshipping false gods. The Sadducees taught that only the written Law had divine authority.

The early Christians were a serious threat to the Sadducees and traditional Jewish religion because Christians claimed that Jesus was the long awaited and prophesied Jewish messiah. The Christians taught that the death and resurrection of Jesus gave every person the promise of everlasting life through belief in Jesus. They also taught that Jesus was superior to Moses, that circumcision and dietary laws were obsolete, and that the entire old covenant was obsolete.

The Sadducees did not believe in the doctrines of resurrection of the body, immortality of the soul, nor the existence of spirits and angels because Moses never mentioned those things in his writings so any such teaching had to be heretical. The Sadducees probably composed many hypothetical stories and situations based on Mosaic Law that ridiculed Christians for believing they would "rise after death." This parable is a Christian gematria riddle that secretely disproves the Sadducees by using their own Mosaic Law against them.

This gospel story uses the Sadducees as a straw man to pose a hypothetical situation to Jesus where a woman continues to marry the brothers of her childless deceased husband in order to raise up seed (a child). This story is based on the Jewish Law that says “when brothers live together, and one of them dies without a son, the widow of the deceased shall not marry anyone outside the family; but her husband’s brother shall go to her and perform the duty of a brother-in-law by marrying her” (Dt 25: 5-10). In the story, a wife marries seven brothers, failing to raise up seed each time, until finally, she herself dies. The Sadducees then ask Jesus which brother, after they are raised from the dead, will lay claim to the wife who had failed to raise up their seed while they were still living.

The Greek word “Sperma” (sperma) meaning “seed” is used four times in this parable which marks it as a key word. All the mystery religions of antiquity used the word "Seed" as a metaphor for “New Life.” The name Jesus was intimately connected with the word “Life” because a circle with a circumference of 888 units, the gematria value of his name, has a diameter of 282 units, the same gematria value as the Greek word “BIOS” (BioV) meaning “Life.”

Anyone reading this story who doesn’t know how gematria can turn a story on it's head would immediately assume that this story is about a hypothetical wife who can’t conceive a child. In a sacred geometry story, every important character and key word is represented as a circle with a circumference or diameter equal to the gematria value of it's name or title. Even though this story said that the wife didn’t raise seed, she was raising seed all along in the form of circles with each brother that she married. The wife only looks barren to the Sadducees and to the uninitiated reader. Mark used the imagery of the Sadducees hypothetical story and the gematria value of their own words to contradict the Sadducees and hoist them on their own petard. The parable of the Sadducees questioning Jesus about being "raised" appears in all three synoptic gospels (Mark 12:18-27, Matt 22:23-33, Luke 20:27-40).

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Sacred Geometry Bible Study Publications
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