Jesus 8880 > Sea of Galilee

Jesus casts out a demon from the daughter of a Syrophoenician woman

Caananite Woman by Clombe

Mark 7:24-30

Miracle 16: The Sacred Geometry Story

This parable contains 128 words, 18 diagrams, and 13 gematria objects. According to the story, Jesus enters a house which appears to be a food business operated by a Syrophoenician woman whose little girl is possessed by an Unclean Spirit. She then asks Jesus if he might cast out the demon from her daughter. Jesus then replies "first allow the boys (his disciples) to eat, it is not good to take the boys bread and cast it to the little dogs." Jesus does not want to waste the time it takes to kill this Unclean Spirit while his disciples are hungry. Jesus then refers to "demons" as "little dogs." The woman then made a play on words from Greek literature that Jesus used for his disciples and her daughters demon. Jesus was so impressed and pleased that in verse 29 he used "the word" (443) to cure her daughter from a distance. This was miracle #16 in Mark's Gospel. The Gospel text and its 3 gematria diagrams for Verse 30 showed how the little girl was cured.

The Setting: Two houses inside the borders of Tyre.

Six Character Types: Jesus, his twelve disciples (the boys), some little dogs, a Syrophoenician woman, her daughter, and an Unclean Spirit (demon).

The 13 Objects mentioned in the story: the borders of Tyre, two houses, 6 character types, bread, crumbs, the Word (443), a table, a couch.

Mk 7: | 24a 24b 24c | 25a 25b 25c | 26a 26b | 27a 27b | 28a 28b | 29a 29b | 30a 30b 30c |

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