11:01 |
There now was a certain sick one, Lazarus from Bethany, |
of the village of Mary and Martha her sister. |
11:02 |
It now was Mary the one who anointed the Lord with ointment, ... |
and having wiped his feet with her hair, ... |
of whom the brother Lazarus was sick. |
11:03 |
Therefore the sisters sent before him saying ... Lord, look the one whom you are fond of is sick. |
11:04 |
But having heard, Jesus said, ... This sickness is not leading to death, ... |
but for the glory of God, ... |
so that the Son of God may be glorified through it. |
11:05 |
Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister, ... |
and Lazarus. |
11:06 |
So when he heard that he was ill, then he remained two days in a place in which he was. |
11:07 |
Then, after this, he says to the disciples ... Let's go into Judea again. |
11:08 |
The disciples say to him ... Rabbi, now the Jews were seeking to stone you ... |
and again you go down there? |
11:09 |
Jesus answered, ... not twelve hours are there of the day? |
If anyone walks around in the day, (then) he does not stumble, ... |
because he sees the light of this cosmos. |
11:10 |
But if anyone walks around during the night, (then) he stumbles, ... |
because the light is not in him. |
11:11 |
He said these things, ... and after this he says to them, ... |
Lazarus, our friend has fallen asleep. |
But I am going so that I may awaken him. |
11:12 |
Therefore the disciples said to him ... Lord, if he has fallen asleep, (then) he will be healed. |
11:13 |
But Jesus had spoken about his death. |
But those men supposed he spoke about the rest of sleep. |
11:14 |
Therefore then Jesus told them plainly Lazarus died. |
11:15 |
And I rejoice because of you that you may believe that I was not there, ... |
but let us go to him. |
11:16 |
Therefore Thomas, the one called Didymus, said to the fellow disciples, ... Let us also go, so that we may die with him. |
11:17 |
Having come therefore, Jesus found him having been already four days in the tomb. |
11:18 |
Now Bethany was near Jerusalem, about fifteen stadia away. |
11:19 |
And many of the Jews had come to Martha and Mary so that they might console them about their brother. |
11:20 |
Therefore when Martha heard Jesus was coming, she met under him. |
But Mary was sitting in the house. |
11:21 |
Therefore Martha said to Jesus ... Lord, if you were here ... |
my brother would not have died. |
11:22 |
But even now I know, ... |
that whatever you ask of God, ... |
God will give you. |
11:23 |
Jesus says to her, ... Your brother will rise again. |
11:24 |
Martha says to him, ... I know that he will rise in the resurrection, ... |
on the last day. |
11:25 |
Jesus said to her, ... I am the resurrection, ... |
[and the life] ... |
the one believing in me, ... |
even if he should die, will live. |
11:26 |
And everyone living, and believing in me, ... |
never dies into the age. Do you believe this? |
11:27 |
She says to him, ... Yes Lord, I have believed, ... |
that you are the Christ, |
the Son of God. |
The one coming into the cosmos. |
11:28 |
And having said this she departed, ... |
and she called Mary her sister, having secretly said, ... The teacher is here and calls you. |
11:29 |
As that one, when she heard, arose quickly, and was coming before him. |
11:30 |
Now Jesus had not yet come into the village, but was still in the place where Martha met below him. |
11:31 |
The Jews therefore, the ones being with her in the house and consoling her, ... |
having seen Mary, that she quickly rose up and went out, followed her, ... |
having supposed that she is going to the tomb, that she might weep there. |
11:32 |
Therefore Mary when she came where Jesus was, seeing him, she fell at his feet, ... |
saying to him, ... Lord, if you were here, ... |
(then) my brother would not have died. |
11:33 |
Therefore Jesus when he saw her weeping, and the Jews weeping with her, ... |
was deeply moved in the Spirit, and was troubled in himself. |
11:34 |
And said, ... Where have you placed him? |
they say to him, ... Lord, come and see. |
11:35 |
The Jesus shed tears. |
11:36 |
Therefore the Jews were saying, ... See how fond he was of him. |
11:37 |
But some of them said, ... This man was not able, ... |
the one having opened the eyes of the blind man, ... |
to make it so that this one should not die? |
11:38 |
Jesus therefore again being deeply moved in himself comes to the tomb. |
Now it was a cave, ... |
and a stone was lying across it. |
11:39 |
The Jesus says, ... Lift the stone. |
Says to him, the sister of the one having died, Martha ... Lord, already he smells, for it is the fourth day. |
11:40 |
Jesus says to her, ... Did I not tell you that if you believed, ... |
you will see the glory of God? |
11:41 |
Therefore they lifted the Stone, ... |
and Jesus lifted the eyes up and said, ... |
Father I thank you that you heard me. |
11:42 |
And I knew that you always hear me, ... |
but because of the crowd standing around, ... |
I said (it) so that they may believe that you sent me. |
11:43 |
And these things having (been) said, ... |
with a great voice he cried out, ... Lazarus come out! |
11:44 |
The one who died came out, having his feet and hands bound with grave clothes, and his face bound around with a face cloth. |
Jesus says to them, ... Untie him, ... |
and allow him to go under. |