1:35 |
On the next
day, again stood John, and of the disciples of him two. |
1:36 |
And having looked at
Jesus walking, he says, ... |
The Lamb of God!" |
1:37 |
And the
two disciples heard him speaking. |
And they follow to the Jesus. |
1:38 |
Being turned yet the Jesus, and gazing at them following, he says to them, ... "What do you seek"? ... |
And they
said to him, ... "Rabbi," which means, being translated, Teacher, ... |
"where are you staying"? |
1:39 |
He says
to them, ... "Come and See"! |
They went
therefore and saw where he stays. |
And they remained with him that
day. |
(It) was about a tenth hour. |
1:40 |
It was Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, one of the
two who heard from John, ... |
and having followed him. |
1:41 |
This one first found his own brother Simon, and he says to him,
... |
"We have found the Messiah," (which translated,
means Christ). |
1:42 |
He led him to Jesus. |
Having looked at him, Jesus said,
... |
"You are Simon, the Son of John, you will be called Kephas,
which is translated Stone." |
1:43 |
On the next day he wanted to go out into Galilee. |
And he finds Philip. |
And Jesus says to him, ... "Follow me." |
1:44 |
Now Philip was from Bethsaida of the city of Andrew and Stone. |
1:45 |
Philip found Nathaniel, ... |
and he said to him, ... "Whom Moses writes of in the Law, ..." |
"and the Prophets, ..." |
"we have found Jesus the Son of Joseph, ..." |
"the one from Nazareth." |
1:46 |
And Nathaniel said to him, ... "Can anything good be out of Nazareth?" |
Philip says to him, ... "Come and see." |
1:47 |
Jesus saw Nathaniel coming before him. |
And he says about him, ... "Look a true Israelite in whom guile is not." |
1:48 |
Nathaniel says to him, ... "How do you know me?" |
Jesus answered and said to him, ... "Before Philip called you, being under the Fig Tree I saw you." |
1:49 |
Nathaniel answered him, ... "Rabbi, you are the Son of God, ..." |
"You are the King of Israel." |
1:50 |
Jesus answered and said to him, ... "Because I told you that I saw you underneath the Fig-Tree do you believe?" |
"You will see greater things." |
1:51 |
And he says to him, ... "Amen, Amen, I say to you, ..." |
"you will see Heaven opened, ..." |
"and the Angels of God ascending and descending, ..." |
"on the Son of Man." |