Jesus 8880 > Sea of Galilee

The First Disciples

Verses: John 1:35-51

The Sacred Geometry Story

This gospel story begins when John the Baptist and two of his disciples saw Jesus walking around. John says, ... "Look, the Lamb of God!" the same thing he said in verse 29 of the previous story! The two disciples then followed Jesus and asked him, ... "Rabbi where are you staying?" Jesus said "Come and see!" They went, and saw, and stayed the day with Jesus till the tenth hour. You will see all of this in the gematria diagrams. When you see the 10th hour you will know for sure that every single verse in this gospel is part of a gematria story! One of these two disciples was Andrew. He found his brother Simon Peter and brought him to Jesus saying "We have found the Messiah!" Jesus said, "You are Simon, the Son of John, you are now Kephas, which means Stone (or Rock). The next day, going into Galilee, they found Philip and Nathaniel. Jesus told Nathaniel that he saw him under a fig tree before Philip called him. Nathaniel then knew Jesus had supernatural powers. Nathaniel said, "You are the Son of God, the King of Israel!" Jesus said, ... "You will see the Heaven opened and angels going up and down on the Son of Man! You will see all these things and more in the gematria diagrams. Every single phrase in every verse is a drawing instruction. This gospel pericope contains 52 incredible gematria diagrams!

The Settings, actual, flashback, and hypothetical: Bethany beyond the Jordan, Galilee, Bethsaida, Nazareth, under a Fig Tree, Heaven.

The 8 distinct Characters: Jesus, Andrew, Simon Stone, Nathanael, Philip, Joseph, Moses, 2 Angels of God

The 30 Signs for Objects, Settings, Characters, and Titles in the story: 6 settings, 8 characters, day, hour, Lamb of God, Rabbi, Teacher, Messiah, Christ, Stone, King, Israelite, the Law, truth, amen, deceit, Son of God, Son of Man.

| 35 | 36 | 37a 37b | 38a 38b 38c | 39a 39b 39c 39d | 40a 40b |
| 41a 41b | 42a 42b 42c | 43a 43b 43c | 44 | 45a 45b 45c 45d 45e |
| 46a 46b | 47a 47b | 48a 48b | 49a 49b | 50a 50b | 51a 51b 51c 51d |

Stories | 1-18 | 19-28 | 29-34 | 35-51 |
100% solved: 110 diagrams with commentary
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