Jesus 8880
The Sacred Geometry Mysteries of Christianity

Theta - Helios (318), the Sun

Theta - Helios (318), the Sun

The gematria value of the Greek word Theta (QHTA = 9+8+300+1) is 318 units. The gematria value of the Greek word Helios ('HLIOS = 8+30+10+70+200), meaning the "Sun," is also equal to 318 units (see the diagram above).  The isopsephia, gematria, and solar symbolism shared by the letter Q (theta) with the sign and gematria value of the Sun (helios) is truly amazing:

  • A circle with a diameter of "318" units by calculation (318p = qqq = 999) has a circumference of "999" units. The letter Q has a value of "9."
  • The earliest form of the Greek letter theta was the same symbol as the Egyptian sun-god (a circle with a dot in the middle). The Greek symbol for the sun is the Greek letter Q (theta), which looks like a circle with a line through it.
  • A circle with a circumference equal to "Divine Unity," the number "1" or any power of One such as 1x10x10x10 = 1,000 units, by calculation has a diameter that rounds down to 318 units.
  • Consider the solar symbolism of this amazing discovery. In the 1st century AD, the value of "p" was supposedly not known to five decimal places. But if the 5th decimal place of pi is set equal to the number "1," the diameter of a circle with a circumference of 1000 units by calculation has a diameter equal to the gematria value of Helios (318) on each side of the decimal point! Check this out with a calculator: 1,000/p = 1,000/3.14151 = 318.318 units
  • The solar symbolism between the numbers "1000" and "318" was well known in ancient Greece. The product of the initials of Jesus Christ in Greek Numerals (IX) is equal to the number "1000." The solar symbolism in the name "Jesus Christ" was apparent to anyone in antiquity who spoke Greek. See the " IX Sign" of Jesus Christ.

The Sacred Geometry Mysteries of Jesus Christ
All 8880 diagrams/illustrations, commentary, and Greek to English translations are
Copyright © 1998-2015 Daniel Gleason, all rights reserved