Jesus 8880
The Sacred Geometry Mysteries of Christianity

The "rising" Sun 318, 388
and the raised Jesus 8880

Jesus 8880 and the Rising Sun

sun helios = 318, 388

The Greek word ho helios, meaning the "The Sun" has a gematria value of 388 units and is represented as a circle with a diameter of 388 units. The sun could thus be represented as a circle with a diameter of either 318 or 388 units. The diagram shows how a rising column of Sun circles transfigure from one value to another as they rise to fill the raised Jesus (8880) graph. The equation for the above diagram ... 4(318)pi + 4(388)pi = 8880 ... has an accuracy of 99.90%!

The Sacred Geometry Mysteries of Jesus Christ
All 8880 diagrams/illustrations, commentary, and Greek to English translations are
Copyright © 1998-2015 Daniel Gleason, all rights reserved