Jesus 8880
The Sacred Geometry Mysteries of Christianity

Life in the Name of Jesus 8880

This diagram is an excellent example of a wonderful multi-faceted gematria Mystery that ends the gospel of John. The solution to the riddle proves that the imagery of the verse is mathematically true! You will have LIFE in the Name of Jesus.

But these things have been written that you might have Faith that JESUS is the Christ ... the Son of God ... and that having Faith ... you may have LIFE ... in his Name.

(John 20:31, circa 90 AD)

Life in the Name of Jesus 8880.

This diagram deals with four of the five key words in the verse. Click link below to see the "Faith" mystery.

  • The Greek word Life has a gematria value of "815" units. Amazingly, a Star of David inscribed inside the raised Jesus (8880) graph, divided along it's lines of symmetry into 12 equilateral triangles have sides of "815" units. (by calculation each side is 815.96 units which by the colel rule of gematria makes each side equal to 815 units)
  • The Title Christos "Christ" has a gematria value of 1480 units. Amazingly, an inscribed Christ (1480) circle is exactly tangent to each of the triangles of Life (815) inside the raised Jesus (8880).
  • The name Jesus Christ has a gematria value of 2368 units and is represented as a circle with the same circumference.
  • The title "The Son of God" has a gematria value of 2,004 units and is represented as a circle with the same circumference.
  • Amazingly, the Jesus Christ (2368) and The Son of God (2004) circles fit inside the Star of David! (accuracy 98.46%)

There are two more mysteries associated with this verse which can be seen by clicking on the links:

  1. If you have FAITH, you can have LIFE (815) in the Name of Jesus (8880).
  2. LIFE (282) is in the Name of the Living Jesus (888) as well as the raised Jesus (8880) [coming soon, under construction.

The Sacred Geometry Mysteries of Jesus Christ
All 8880 diagrams/illustrations, commentary, and Greek to English translations are
Copyright © 1998-2015 Daniel Gleason, all rights reserved