Quick History of Elias
prophet Elijah (1 Kings 16:29 to 2 Kings 2:18) practiced his ministry
in Israel during the reigns of King Ahab (874-853 BC) and his son
King Abaziah (853-852 BC). The setting to the story began when Ahab
married the pagan princess Jezebel and erected an altar and a sacred
pole to Baal in Samaria. Baal was the Sun-God of the Phoenicians
and the Sacred Pole was used to chart Baal's journey through the
twelve signs of the zodiac. By embracing the religion of a "false
God," Ahab did more to anger "the Lord" than any
of the kings of Israel before him.
multiplies food and raises the dead
prophet Elijah (Elias) the Tishbite then delivered a message from
God to King Ahab that God would bring a drought to his kingdom.
The significance of this message was that Baal was worshipped for
his supposed power over the sky and the weather, so God's message
was a direct challenge to Baal and a sign of God's displeasure to
the king. Elijah then departed to the Kerith Ravine, east of the
Jordan river, where ravens brought him bread and meat. When the
drought dried up the stream, God sent him to live with a widow where
he remained for over two years as the drought intensified. During
this time, Elijah multiplied the widow's jar of flour and jug of
oil so that they never ran out. The widow's son then died from an
illness and Elijah raised him back to life. (1 Kings 17:7-24).
took note of these two miracles and had Jesus perform even greater
sends down Fire from Heaven
and kills the prophets of Baal
the third year of the drought, God sent Elijah back to King Ahab
where Elias challenged 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of
Asherah to a contest to see whose God could send down fire from
heaven to consume a sacrificed bull. The false prophets prayed to
Baal but their god was unable to start a fire. Elijah then built
an altar of twelve stones to symbolize the twelve tribes
of Israel. He then had 4 jars filled with water which were
poured over the wood and the cut-up bull three times. Elijah
then called on God to send down fire on the water soaked offering.
God then sent down fire to Elijah's altar to consume the offering
and win the contest. The people then killed the prophets of Baal
and abandoned their idolatry. God in turn immediately ended the
drought by bringing a great rainstorm (1 Kings 18:1-46).
The God of Israel was thus proved to be a God of fire, more powerful
than the sun-god Baal.
journeys 40 days in the desert
then anoints 2 kings and Elisha, his successor
king's wife Jezebel then ordered Elijah to be killed so he fled
into the desert where an angel appeared and brought him food. He
then journeyed south 40 days and nights through the desert to mount
Horeb in the Sinai peninsula where God appeared to him and sent
him north to Damascus to anoint Hazael and Jehu as kings of Syria
and Israel and to find and anoint his successor Elisha. During this
journey Elijah came across Elisha who was plowing a field with twelve
oxen. After sacrificing the animals Elisha became Elijah's disciple
(1 Kings 19:1-21).
twelve oxen signified the twelve signs of the zodiac and the death
of the pagan age of Taurus, the bull. The next three chapters
in 1-Kings recount more incidents over the years in the reigns
of Ahab and Jezebel and the prophecies that come to pass about
their deaths.
sends down Fire from Heaven
two times to kill the king's messengers
Ahab died, he was succeeded by his son Abaziah, who also worshipped
Baal as his father had done. Abaziah then injured himself in a fall
and sent out messengers to inquire of Baalzebub, the God of Ekron
whether he would recover. The Lord then instructed Elijah to intercept
the messengers and ask them why the king didn't send his messengers
to ask the God of Israel. Elijah said that for this insult, the
king would never leave his bed and die. The messengers returned
to the king with the bad news. The king then asked what the man
looked like. They said "he wore a
hairy garment with a leather belt about his loins."
The king said, "It is Elijah, the
Tishbite!" (2 Kings 1:1-8)
was thus the prototype for John the Baptist in manner and appearance.
king then sent out a company of fifty men to capture Elijah. They
found him seated on a hilltop and commanded him to come down. Instead
Elijah asked the Lord to send down fire and destroy the men which
was done. The king sent another fifty men with the same result.
Another fifty were sent out and the captain begged Elijah not to
kill them. An angel of the Lord said the captain could be trusted
so Elijah went down and ordered the captain to deliver the same
death message to the king. The fifty men returned and the king died
in fulfillment of the prophecy.
God of Israel was thus again proved to be a God of fire, more
powerful than the sun-god Baal.
sends down a Chariot of Fire
to bring Elijah up to heaven
second chapter of 2 Kings abruptly announces that the Lord intends
to take Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind. As Elijah and Elisha
begin their eastward journey from Gilgal to the Jordan River, scores
of guild prophets come out from Bethel and Jerico to ask Elisha
if he knows that the Lord will take up his master that day. Elisha
says, "Yes I know it. Keep still."
gospel of Mark would copy this messianic secrecy theme when Jesus
commanded unclean spirits not to reveal his true nature to the
the two prophets finally reached the Jordan river, which was known
as the river of the rising sun, fifty
prophets were watching at a distance as Elijah rolled up his mantle
and struck the water of the river. The water was parted and the
two prophets crossed over to the eastern shore on dry ground. After
they both crossed over, Elijah revealed he was to be taken away
and asked Elisha what he could do for him. Elisha asked for a double
portion of Elijah's spirit.
would invoke the "double portion of Elijahs spirit"
when he was dying on the cross and the bystanders mentioned two
times that he was calling for Elijah.
fiery chariot and flaming horses then came between them and took
Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind.
A fiery chariot was a well known metaphor for the
sun. Elijah
now became the only Old Testament prophet who did not die, was
raised up to heaven, and the raising happened through the
action of the sun. Mark used this theme of being raised by the
sun when the three woman who came to his tomb at sunrise found
the stone rolled away and a mysterious youth waiting for them
who told them that Jesus had been raised.
Elisha could no longer see Elijah he tore his own garment in two.
copied this theme when the temple curtain was torn in two just
before he died.
then picked up Elijah's mantel which had fallen from him and all
of Elijah's power was now transferred to Elisha through his master's
used this theme of garments having power like when a woman who
had a hemorrhage for twelve years was cured by just touching the
hem of his garment and like when his garments shone like
the sun when he was transfigured.
Raised up by "The Sun"
above graphic is probably the most surprising example that I have
ever seen of how a gematria diagram can mirror a bible story. The
Greek name for Elijah is Hay-lee'-as (`hliaV)
and his gematria value is 249 units. The Greek word for the Sun
is Ho Hay-lee-os (o hlioV) and
has a gematria value of 388 units. Helias (249) and Helios (388)
are represented as circles with diameters equal to the number of
their names. The diagram shows the sun coming down from heaven where
it becomes tangent to Elias and then the sun raises him up to the
top of the graph. The mathematical accuracy is 99.98% ... a perfect
fit! Even the Greek pronunciation of their names (Hay-lee-as and
Hay-lee-os) is almost identical.